Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Conga: Afro Caribbean Popular Expression


La Conga in Santiago de Cuba

Today we are seeing the Carnival of Santiago de Cuba, the Eastern part of the island, where we will see the African Influence on Cuban culture and dance.


Write a reflection about the video. 


1.                                                                                    Quiz

1.      What is dance?

2.      Why is necessary to understand dance in society?

3.      Mention one cultural dance from your country, region, ethnic or religious group, that you identify with and explain why?

4.      Why do you think circle dance is important?

5.      Why is  Bharatanatyam an importance dance?

6.      What is the "zone" for athletes and dancers?

7.      What was the role of the Ancient Greek Chorus?

8.      What kind of dance was the pyrrhic dance? Explain

9. How effective was the use of pantomime in telling the story of Narcissus? Explain

10. What was the purpose of court dances during European Medieval times?

11. Why was Oggun such an important orisha (deity) for  people from Yoruba land?

12. Why is dance such an important aspect of Santeria and other African derived religions?


Monday, September 28, 2020

Learning the Orisha Dances


Sexto Sentido










Babalu Aye


Orishas: African Hidden Gods of Worship

After reading Chapter 6, respond the following questions:

What is Santeria?

Why was Oggun such an important orisha among the Lukumi people?

Why is dance such an important aspect of Santeria and other African derived religions?

In which countries are African religions and dances preserved in The Americas? Why?


Seven African Powers

 After reading Chapter 1, choose the orisha you identify with and explain why?




 Orisha Dances

After the professor demonstrates the dances, students create an 8 moves phrase. 

Remote students, record and post your phrase on Discussion Board.


Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Wemilere: Fest of Saints

Interview with Lazaro Ross

 Lázaro Ros was an Afro-Cuban singer. His music borrowed much from Africa, as he performed music of the Lucumí culture, of the Yoruba people from modern-day Nigeria, and of the Arará culture of the Dahomeyan people from modern-day Benin.
After listening to Lazaro Ross' interview, what part of his testimony you find most interesting?
Why was Oggun such an important orisha (deity) for  people from Yoruba land?

After watching Wemilere, what orisha do you identify with and why?


Monday, September 21, 2020

Dance in the Iron Age

Ironworking | Africa's Great Civilizations


Why were African iron-working communities important? 

Slave Trade


Why was the Caribbean such an important market of African enslaved people? 



What is the importance of vodoo in Hatian society?



Why is the world of spirits so important for believers of umbanda



 Based on the video, what would be the definition of an orisha?



 Why does the narrator say that santeria is not just a religion, but part of Cuban personality?





Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Medieval Dances, Music and Plays




What was the function of this dance compared to those of the nobility?



What makes these dances an inclusive experience? 

The Modern Invention of Medieval Music

(Pg. 4, first paragraph)


after reading the text, what is problematic about Medieval music?


With Medieval times, it emerged also Medieval vernacular sacred songs. 

Medieval Song in Romance Languages 

(Pg. 10-11) 

Spanish-Arabic Music of Al-Andalus

 Andalusian classical music is a style of Arabic music found in different styles across the Maghreb (Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, and to a lesser degree in Libya in the form of the Ma'luf style) and the Levant. It originated out of the music of Al-Andalus (Muslim Iberia) between the 9th and 15th centuries.


Compare and contrast the sound of Medieval sacred songs and Spanish-Arabic.


Mystery Plays


After watching the video, why did medieval European theater moved from being a religious phenomenon to a secular one?

Monday, September 14, 2020

Medieval Times: Castle Dances

Medieval Europe


1. Why did European Medieval times have such a bad reputation?



2. After reading the short section on Medieval dance, what was the role of the church in regards to dance during the Medieval period.


3. After a brief search, explain who was Giovanni Baccacio and Domenico de Piacenza? Wy are they important names in the world of dance?

Moresca Dance

4. After reading about the moresca, what are the discrepancies between the description given in the book and the scene in the movie? 



The video above shows the main steps of a Medieval court dance.

Try the steps.


5. Why do you think these steps and no others were created around this time?



6. Based on the scene above, what was the purpose of court dances during European Medieval times?


Dance was not considered an art; it function was limited.
It had a social purpose for the nobility, basically show wealth and alternate with other nobles.
It had an entertaining purpose for the peasants, who danced during some pagan festivals that increasingly became co-opted by the Catholic Church.
When it was done as a form of worship, it was condemned by the church as sorcery.
The body was a source of sinful behavior so, it was not welcomed by the Catholic Church.



Let us put some steps together and dance.

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Dances of War



After reading Kirstein's quote on the Muchongoyo dance, what was its original role in Zimbabwe?



Why were Ancient Greek armed dances important? 

What kind of dance was the pyrrhic dance? Explain



According to Taylor-Jones, what is the function of the victory dance in the film Don't Cry Nanjing?



After reading the paragraph and watching the video above, how did Haka dance evolved from ancient times to the present?


Kinetic Molpai  (Pg.  100)

In which way did war dances affect Ted Shawn, a forerunner of modern dance, and his choreographic ideas?

The class divides itself in two group. Each group creates an eight fighting-moves phrase.
They face each other and enact a fight.

Monday, September 7, 2020

Ancient Roman Pantomime: Echo and Narcissus

 Ancient Rome


What aspect of Roman history got your attention? Why?


Ancient Roman Pantomime: A Case Study

Narcissus: An Ancient Roman Pantomime | WSKG Arts (min. 18:06)

WSKG Arts, composer Santino DeAngelo and the Tri-Cities Opera present the re-telling of the classic tale of Narcissus. This hour long program features an original score written by DeAngelo, three separate acts featuring pantomime artist Doug Baum and a behind the scenes look at how this massive production was put together. 


How effective was the use of pantomime in telling the story of Narcissus? Explain

About Narcissus

In Greek mythology, Narcissus was a hunter from Thespiae in Boeotia who was known for his beauty. According to Tzetzes, he was a Laconian hunter who loved everything beautiful. Narcissus was proud, in that he disdained those who loved him, causing some to take their own lives to prove their devotion to his striking beauty. Narcissus is the origin of the term narcissism, a fixation with oneself and one's physical appearance or public perception.

Several versions of the myth have survived from ancient sources. The classic version is by Ovid.
Ovid was a Roman poet who lived during the reign of Augustus. He was a contemporary of the older Virgil and Horace, with whom he is often ranked as one of the three canonical poets of Latin literature. 

Echo and Narcissus is found in book 3 of his Metamorphoses (completed 8 AD); this is the story of Echo and Narcissus.

One day Narcissus was walking in the woods when Echo, an Oread (mountain nymph) saw him, fell deeply in love, and followed him. Narcissus sensed he was being followed and shouted "Who's there?". Echo repeated "Who's there?" She eventually revealed her identity and attempted to embrace him. He stepped away and told her to leave him alone. 

She was heartbroken and spent the rest of her life in lonely glens until nothing but an echo sound remained of her. Nemesis (as an aspect of Aphrodite), the goddess of revenge, noticed this behavior after learning the story and decided to punish Narcissus. 

Once, during the summer, he was getting thirsty after hunting, and the goddess lured him to a pool where he leaned upon the water and saw himself in the bloom of youth. Narcissus did not realize it was merely his own reflection and fell deeply in love with it, as if it were somebody else. Unable to leave the allure of his image, he eventually realized that his love could not be reciprocated and he melted away from the fire of passion burning inside him, eventually turning into a gold and white flower.


Marcel Marceu 

Marcel Marceau (1923-2007) was born in Strasbourg, France. He became one of the most famous mimes in the world. He created his own school, Compagnie de Mime Marcel Marceau, in 1948, for the development of the mime arts. Bip, was the white-faced character, based on the French Pierrot, he played on stage and screen.

 Marcel Marceau: Life & Work (until min 10:00)
Modern Pantomime

Mime is a form of silent art that involves acting or communicating using only movements, gestures, and facial expressions. A person performing mime is also called a mime. ... As spoken language developed, these gestures and facial expressions were retained as a form of simple act a part with mimic gesture and action usually without words. transitive verb

 Similarly, while traditional mimes have been completely silent, contemporary mimes, while refraining from speaking, sometimes employ vocal sounds when they perform. Mime acts are often comical, but some can be very serious.


How is pantomime different or similar to dance? Explain 


Choose a fairy tale and tell it in mime.

 Five things to remember when performing a mime.
  • Facial Expression. ...
  • Clear Actions. ...
  • Beginning, Middle, End. ...
  • Directing Action to Audience. ...
  • No Talking.