Monday, November 2, 2020

Modern Dance




Create Groups of three for Final Presentations.

Choose the theme for your presentation.

Decide which day you are going to present.


 Today's Class


1. Write a short bio of each one of the dancers listed below.

2. Notice that they are grouped in clusters. Explain the relationship of them in each cluster.


European Precursors

  • Rudolph Laban
  • Mary Wigman
  • Harald Kreutzberg


American Precursors in Europe

  • Loie Fuller
  • Isadora Duncan 

Founders of the First School of Modern Dance

  •  Ruth St. Dennis
  • Ted Shawn


Modern Dance Pioneers

  • Charles Weidman
  • Doris Humphrey
  • Martha Graham


  • Jose Limon
  • Lester Horton
  • Catherine Dunham


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